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Expert Oil Change Service Station

Every vehicle, whether it’s a sedan, a rig, or a pick-up truck, needs oil to keep the engine running properly. At Stoiched Automotive, our team of certified technicians can help you keep your vehicle running at its best with quality oil changes in Appleton. We use only high-grade oils and filters to ensure your vehicle’s engine is well lubricated and protected from harmful contaminants. Our ASE-certified technicians can complete a professional oil change at a fraction of the cost of big dealerships, and we back all of our work with a satisfaction guarantee.

man repairing engine with some tool

Why Should You Change Your Oil?

Changing your oil regularly is essential in maintaining the life and performance of your car. Engine oil helps keep all of the components in your vehicle’s engine running smoothly and efficiently.

Signs You Need an Oil Change Service

It’s easy to tell if you need an oil change service in Appleton.

  • More exhaust fumes than usual
  • Decreased gas mileage
  • Strange noises coming from the engine
  • Ticking sounds when starting the vehicle
  • Unusual or burning odors

Why Oil Changes Are Critical to Engine Life

Oil isn’t just necessary for the short-term functionality of your vehicle – it’s also essential for long-term engine life. Over time, oil gets dirty and breaks down, which reduces its effectiveness in lubricating the engine. Regular car oil change services remove the old, contaminated oil and replace it with new oil that will keep your engine running efficiently and prolong its life. If you allow your vehicle to go too long without an oil change, it could lead to engine failure.

Choose Us for Oil Changes in Appleton

At Stoiched Automotive, we offer a full range of oil change services to keep your vehicle running in peak condition. We use only the highest quality motor oils that protect against wear, reduce emissions, and provide superior lubrication for extended engine life. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in oil change service, and all of our work is backed by a satisfaction guarantee.

Types of Engine Oil We Offer

Diesel oil is specifically designed for diesel engines, providing superior protection and performance. Diesel oil is thicker than regular oil and is designed to help reduce soot build-up, which helps extend your diesel engine’s life.

Schedule Your Oil Change Today

Keep your engine running in peak condition and protect it from wear and tear with regular oil changes from Stoiched Automotive. Schedule an appointment today and let our experienced technicians handle all of your oil change needs.

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